
Web Safety

“Check Before You Click”


Today’s students will be the first generation to use the Internet for their entire lives. This unprecedented access to resources will enhance learning, research, communications, exploration of new ideas and expressions of creativity. This remarkable resource has also become susceptible to abuse that often targets young people.

The internet content in the APS network is filtered for both shared and personalized devices. For personalized devices, internet filtering occurs both when the devices are on the APS network and when they are on other networks such as a home network. In addition, Google SafeSearch is enabled on student devices. This supplements the content filter by limiting explicit search results when students use the Google search engine. It’s important to understand that filtering is not perfect for every student. This happens for a wide variety of reasons. Each student is unique and each family has personal standards for appropriateness. For example, something appropriate for one 6th grader may not be appropriate for another 6th grader, and one family may consider gaming an appropriate student interest while another may prefer gaming be blocked. In addition, filtering in itself is not a perfect technology. Some website vendors are constantly trying to develop approaches to get around content filters, and some students consider it an intellectual game with the technology staff to get around the filters. Ultimately, anyone who is actively trying to get around the content filters will probably have some level of success. The APS Acceptable Use Policy, agreed to by every student every year, prohibits bypassing controls such as the content filter. (Source: Frequently Asked Questions section of APS’s Personalized Learning webpage.)

Arlington Public Schools is committed to helping students stay safe online. The resources presented here are intended to complement information and instruction provided to students at school and to extend available resources for use by parents and the community.


Disclaimer: This webpage contains links to one or more websites that are outside of the Arlington Public Schools network. APS does not control the content or relevancy of these links.

Descargo de responsabilidad: Esta página web contiene enlaces a uno o más sitios web que están fuera de la red de las Escuelas Públicas de Arlington. APS no controla el contenido o la relevancia de estos enlaces.