


All students and staff have a Google account with APS. Remember that when a student is using his or her APS Google account at home on a family-owned device, Claremont’s APS Network filter is not in place. In other words, APS internet filters do not restrict a student’s internet traffic when the student is not in school using a family device. Students and parents are responsible for the use and monitoring of these resources at home. To login, go to Google@APS via OneLogin.

If you are in the APS network, you may use your APS network login:

Username: Student ID number (lunch number)
Password: (Please ask your teacher) 

If you are NOT in the APS network (not in school connected to the APS wifi) or you get redirected to a regular Google Login screen, use the following login:

Username: Student ID number (lunch number) (e.g.,
Password: (Please ask your teacher)