APS developed a comprehensive curriculum to ensure all students learn the essentials to be responsible digital citizens and to stay safe online. All APS schools (K-12) are currently implementing the new digital citizenship curriculum during the regular school year. Claremont teachers teach digital citizenship lessons with support from the librarian.
Digital citizenship lessons are accompanied by school-wide expectations for Claremont staff & students. Digital citizenship includes digital communication, digital literacy, online etiquette, digital rights and responsibilities, online security, and digital health and wellness (physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world).
Parents are encouraged to explore Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety topics with their children at home. Common Sense Media is a a free tool that parents can use at home to start and guide these kinds of conversations. It also provides a wealth of resources for parents to help children navigate through our increasingly complex digital world. For more information, visit https://www.commonsensemedia.org/educators/family-tip-sheets.
Sample Family Media Agreement for K-5 students from Common Sense Media: Family Media Agreement
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Recommendations for Children’s Media Use
Create your own Family Media Plan (from the American Academy of Pediatrics)
Cree su propio Plan Familiar de Tecnología (de la Academia Americana de Pediatría)
For more general information as well as tips on Creating a Family Media Plan click here.