- Bookflix – Fiction and non-fiction children’s literature with read aloud feature. Contact your child’s teacher or the Claremont office for the login and password information. https://auth.grolier.com/login/bookflix/login.php
- Unite for Literacy – Online books for beginning readers. Text is in English with multiple read aloud languages available. https://uniteforliteracy.com/
- Colorin Colorado – A bilingual site for families and educators of English language learners. https://www.colorincolorado.org/index.php?langswitch=en
- ABCya – Early literacy games and activities. https://www.abcya.com/
- Handwriting Without Tears – Resources for handwriting program used at Claremont. https://www.hwtears.com/hwt
- Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) – Assessment used for KG – 3rd graders https://va.pals.virginia.edu
- PALS Plus – Assessment used for 4th and 5th graders
- Poetry for Kids – https://www.poetry4kids.com
- Reading is Fundamental (RIF) – Literacy resources and parent tips https://www.rif.org/us/literacy-resources.htm
- Reading Rockets – PBS sponsored site with articles and other resources for parents. https://www.readingrockets.org
- Starfall – Games and activities for primary grades. https://www.starfall.com
- Storyline Online – Popular books read aloud. https://www.storylineonline.net
- Read Works – Lesson plans and resources for literacy teachers. https://www.readworks.org/
- Virginia Standards of Learning for English Reading https://www.doe.virginia.gov/testing/sol/standards_docs/english/index.shtml
Disclaimer: This webpage contains links to one or more websites that are outside of the Arlington Public Schools network. APS does not control the content or relevancy of these links.
Descargo de responsabilidad: Esta página web contiene enlaces a uno o más sitios web que están fuera de la red de las Escuelas Públicas de Arlington. APS no controla el contenido o la relevancia de estos enlaces.