
Building Use || Uso del Edificio

Below is information about reserving space at Claremont Immersion.

Who can reserve a space at Claremont?

  1. To reserve facilities at Claremont, a parent/community member must have either:
    • teacher involvement/sponsorship
    • PTA sponsorship
    • membership in a non-profit that partners with APS (and the use is related to that membership) or
    • membership in a civic association (and the use is related to that membership).
  2. In order to be PTA sponsored, a class for which a parent/community member is requesting use of Claremont facilities should be related to the PTA’s mission of improving the educational experience of Claremont students.
  3. If the class does improve the educational experience of Claremont students and the parent/community member would like PTA sponsorship for the class, that parent/community member should contact the PTA via the current After-School Enrichment (ASE) coordinator. The PTA would sponsor/provide the class within the parameters of its ASE program, the vehicle the PTA uses to “sponsor” or provide classes to Claremont Immersion students.

How do I reserve a space at Claremont?

  1. Complete a “Room Request Form” three weeks prior to the event.
  2. The Room Request Form is available here: Room Request Form.
  3. Kamila Gluch sends a confirmation e-mail after the room availability is verified.