
Music || Música

Claremont students sing, play instruments, improvise melodies, variations and accompaniments, compose music, read and notate music, listen to, describe, and analyze music, evaluate music and music performances, understand relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts, and understand music in relation to history and culture, and oh yeah, we have a lot of fun!

Los estudiantes de Claremont cantan, tocan instrumentos, improvisan melodías, variaciones y acompañamientos, componen música, leen y escriben música, escuchan, describen y analizan la música y presentaciones musicales, entienden la relación entre la música y las otras artes y disciplinas fuera de las artes, y entienden la música en relación a la historia y la cultura, y la pasamos bien!

Bienvenidos a música  || Welcome to music

Ms. Amanda Moore
Vocal Music Teacher

Dra. Laura Larco

Vocal Music Teacher


Mr. John Findley

Instrumental Music Teacher- Band/Orchestra


Practice Videos

Musical notes

Band & Orchestra Application Form

Claremont Band and Orchestra Schedule (4 Day) 24-25